“If there were such an instrument as the autoheart, Laura Lind would be one of its legendary masters. Deeply rooted in tradition, she knows when to center herself in older musical ways, and when to push forward into the present and future. Her playing and singing are infused with an edgy sweetness and soulfulness that makes hearing her not just an esthetic but an emotional pleasure.
Listen, just listen. That’s the sound of music as it should be.”
Si Kahn
Laura Lind is a nationally award-winning performer, a fearless finger-picker on the Autoharp, vocalist and songwriter. Laura kicks it up on the Autoharp while writing relevant songs with an old timey sensibility which reflect her rural life-style in Western Sonoma County, and coastal California. She creates visual sketches in her lyrics that touch on her passion for environmental preservation, and progressive personal relationships.
Her voice is dynamic, bluesy and engaging. Her band “The West County Professional Tea Sipper’s” CD, “The Kettle is On,” was awarded “Best Old-timey CD of 2010” by The National Traditional Old-time Country Music Association.
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